Third-Person Shooter

Welcome to Indigames Game Engine tutorial series!

This tutorial will introduce how to work with IGE Engine to create a third-person shooter game.

Before starting, let make sure you have:

1. About Scene

A scene is an abstract collection of game objects, representing a part of the game’s world created by using the scene editor.

IGE implements a scene structure using a Scene Object and Component system.

  • The Scene Object manages the parent-child relationship of the Scene, and the spatial matrix transformation, so that all objects canbe managed and placed in the scene.

  • The Component system allows Scene Object to have a variety of advanced features, such as Graphic components, Animation components, Light components, Audio components, and more.

The typical workflow of using Scene Object is to:

  • Create a Scene Object

  • Add Components

  • Write Scripts that change the properties and behaviors of these Components

Create Object

To create a game object, right click on an item in the Hierarchy , select Create, then it will show Object Creation Menu with many types of object.

Object Creation Menu

Alternative, drag the assets to the Scene View, it will also create object with the type based on the file extension.

Add Components

To add a component to a scene object, select it in the Scene view or Hierarchy, then in the Inspector select Add Component, it will show the Add Component Menu.

Add Component Menu

Creating scene object with Object Creation Menu or by dragging assets will add component related to the object types.


Indigames Game Engine allow writing Python Script to control the scene object behavior. The Script canbe attached to an object using Script component, and canbe accesses using getComponent(<class_name>) from other scripts.

2. Scene Setup

Open The Scene

Open the project using igeCreator, you will see a screen similar to this:

Basic Scene View

Scene Navigation

Try to navigate the Scene using Scene View controls:




[Mouse] Drag Right Button


[Mouse] Scroll Middle Button


[Mouse] Drag Middle Button


[Keyboard] Press F Key

Scene Management

Try adding new game object to make the environment more beautiful, by using Object Creation Menu and dragging assets from figures folder.

Also, try to modify the environment by adjust objects’ position, rotation and scale values to change the environment layout as per your preferences.

Save the Scene using Ctrl + S, or File -> Save Scene.

3. Background Music

To play an audio clip, we need to use AudioSource component, either by dragging the audio file to scene to create new object with AudioSource attached, or just to add AudioSource component to an existing object. To make it simple, select root object, add AudioSource component, then drag the audio/bgm.mp3 file to the inspector. The background music should be play once loaded, and should be looped as well. To save memory, it can also be streamed.

Let’s add the background music to the Environment object, like as below:

Background Music

Also, AudioListener is required to act as a listener in 3D space, it’s usually added to the active camera. So, let’s add AudioListener to the Default Camera object:

Background Music

Save the Scene, then press Play button, the background music should be played and looped during the playing session.

4. Character Movement

Checkout ige-tutorials, branch 02-character-movement github repo.

Add MC

The MC prefab is located in prefabs/MC.prefab folder. Add the MC to the scene by dragging the prefab file in the Scene View.

In the Inspector, you can see the MC already have:

  • Figure: using model from figures/characters/NoMan.dae

  • Animator: using animator controller from animators/Player.anim

  • CapsuleCollider and Rigidbody: Physic simulation

  • Script: movement script located at scripts/PlayerMovement

Main Character

Character Animation

IGE Animation makes use of Animator Controller, which control the animation using State Machine defined in .anim file.

Open animators/Player.anim by double clicking the file icon in AssetBrowser, the Animator Editor appears like below:

Player Animator

Every animator controller implements internal state machine system, which consists at least Entry, Exit and Any states. The Entry state help to configure the initial state of the animation. The Exit state is to end animation. And the Any state is a helper state to simplify the state diagram.

The player has other three states: Idle, Move, Dead.

To decide what state to play next, the Parameters and Conditions can be used.

  • Parameters: define global parameters and their values.

  • Conditions: attached to each transition, with compare the parameters’ values which predefined threshold.

The animation transition happens when all conditions are meet, or HasExitTime checked and the ExitTime value reached.

The animation is controllable using Python Script, by setting the parameters’ values at runtime.

Character Physic

In the Inspector, the character object includes a Capsule collider and a Ridgidbody. This is a dynamic object, thus IsKinematic is set to false.


Notice that, the movement along Y-Axis is fixed, by setting the second parameter of LinearFactor to zero. Also, the rotation along X-Axis and Z-Axis is locked, by setting the first and the third parameters of AngularFactor to zero.

MC Physic

Character Movement Script

The script is as below:

import igeVmath as vmath
from igeCore.input.keyboard import Keyboard, KeyCode
from igeScene import Script

class PlayerMovement(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.speed = 2.0
      self._transform = None
      self._rigidbody = None
      self._animator = None
      self._movement = vmath.vec3(0, 0, 0)
      self._isWalking = False

   def onStart(self):
      self._transform = self.owner.getComponent("Transform")
      self._rigidbody = self.owner.getComponent("Rigidbody")
      self._animator = self.owner.getComponent("Animator")
      self._movement = vmath.vec3(0, 0, 0)
      self._isWalking = False

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      h, v = [0, 0]
      if Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_W) or Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_UP):
            v = -1.0
      if Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_S) or Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_DOWN):
            v = 1.0
      if Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_A) or Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_LEFT):
            h = -1.0
      if Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_D) or Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_RIGHT):
            h = 1.0
      if h != 0 or v != 0:
            self._movement = vmath.vec3(h, 0, v)
            self._movement = self._movement * self.speed * dt
            newRotation = vmath.quat_look_rotation(self._movement, vmath.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
            self._rigidbody.movePosition(self._transform.position + self._movement)
            if not self._isWalking:
               self._isWalking = True
               self._animator.setValue("isWalking", self._isWalking)
      elif self._isWalking:
         self._isWalking = False
         self._animator.setValue("isWalking", self._isWalking)

   def onDestroy(self):
      self._transform = None
      self._rigidbody = None
      self._animator = None
      self._playerHealth = None
      self._movement = None

Click Play button, then in the playing mode, the main character can be controlled by pressing arrow keys or WASD keys. The character also has collision with the houses and other objects in the scene.


5. Camera Setup

Checkout ige-tutorials, branch 03-camera-setup github repo.

Navigate to Default Camera object, add a Script component. Drag and drop scripts/ from AssetBrowser to the newly created Script. Lastly, drag and drop the NoMan from Hierarchy to target property, then select Transform.

Camera Follow

The script is as below:

from igeScene import Script
import igeVmath as vmath

class CameraFollow(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      super().__init__(owner) = None
      self.smoothing = 5.0
      self._offset = vmath.vec3()

   def onStart(self):
      if is None:
   = self.owner.scene.findObjectByName("MC").getComponent("Transform")
      if is None:
      self._offset = self.owner.transform.position -

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      targetCamPos = + self._offset
      self.owner.transform.position = vmath.lerp(self.smoothing * dt, self.owner.transform.position, targetCamPos)

   def onDestroy(self): = None
      self._offset = None

Save the scene, and after press Play, the camera will follow the main character while moving around.


6. Add Enemy

Checkout ige-tutorials, branch 04-enemy-setup github repo.

Like the MC, the Enemy prefab is added at prefabs/Enemy.prefab. Create an enemy by drag and drop the prefab to the root node in the Hierarchy.

In the Inspector, the Enemy object contains:

Enemy Object
  • Figure: similar to MC, but the Diffuse Collor changed to Red instead of Blue.

  • Animator: same as MC

  • Rigidbody and Collider: same as MC

  • NavAgent: use NavAgent to find and navigate the object in the map

  • Script: and control the movement and heal of the enemy.

To enable NavAgent auto targeting, we also need to setup the NavMesh. The DynamicNavMesh component is added to NavigableArea object, along with Navigable component.

NavMesh Setup

The script is as below:

from igeScene import Script
import igeVmath as vmath

class EnemyMovement(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.player = None
      self._transform = None
      self._navAgent = None
      self._rigidbody = None
      self._playerTransform = None
      self._playerHealth = None
      self._enemyHealth = None
      self._animator = None
      self._isWalking = False

   def onStart(self):
      self._transform = self.owner.getComponent("Transform")
      self._rigidbody = self.owner.getComponent("Rigidbody")
      self._navAgent = self.owner.getComponent("NavAgent")
      self._enemyHealth = self.owner.getComponent("EnemyHealth")
      self._animator = self.owner.getComponent("Animator")
      if self.player is None:
            self.player = self.owner.scene.findObjectByName("MC")
      if self.player is not None:
            self._playerTransform = self.player.getComponent("Transform")
            self._playerHealth = self.player.getComponent("PlayerHealth")

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      if self._enemyHealth.hp > 0.0 and self._playerHealth.hp > 0.0:
            self._navAgent.targetPosition = self._playerTransform.position
            movement = self._playerTransform.position - self._transform.position
            newRotation = vmath.quat_look_rotation(movement, vmath.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
            if not self._isWalking:
               self._isWalking = True
               self._animator.setValue("isWalking", self._isWalking)
      elif self._navAgent.hasTarget():
            self._isWalking = False
            self._animator.setValue("isWalking", self._isWalking)

   def onDestroy(self):
      self.player = None
      self._transform = None
      self._navAgent = None
      self._rigidbody = None
      self._playerTransform = None
      self._playerHealth = None
      self._enemyHealth = None
      self._animator = None

The script is as below:

from igeScene import Script

class EnemyHealth(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.maxHp = 20.0
      self.hp = 20.0
      self.scoreValue = 10
      self.sinkSpeed = 0.5
      self.hurtSfx = None
      self.deadSfx = None
      self._transform = None
      self._animator = None
      self._navAgent = None
      self._audio = None
      self._rigidbody = None
      self._isDead = False
      self._timer = 0

   def onStart(self):
      self.hp = self.maxHp
      self._isDead = False
      self._transform = self.owner.getComponent("Transform")
      self._animator = self.owner.getComponent("Animator")
      self._navAgent = self.owner.getComponent("NavAgent")
      self._audio = self.owner.getComponent("AudioSource")
      self._rigidbody = self.owner.getComponent("Rigidbody")

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      if self._isDead:
            self._timer += dt
            if self._timer >= 1.0:
               self._transform.position += vmath.vec3(0, -1, 0) * self.sinkSpeed * dt
               if (self._transform.position.y < -5.0):

   def takeDamage(self, amount):
      self.hp -= amount
      self._animator.setValue("hp", self.hp)
      if self.hp <= 0.0:
            self._audio.path = self.hurtSfx

   def dead(self):
      if not self._isDead:
            self._isDead = True
            self._timer = 0.0
            self._navAgent.enable = False
            self._rigidbody.isKinematic = True
            self._audio.path = self.deadSfx

   def onDestroy(self):
      self.hurtSfx = None
      self.deadSfx = None
      self._transform = None
      self._animator = None
      self._navAgent = None
      self._audio = None
      self._rigidbody = None

Click Play button, the Enemy will keep running toward the MC while he is moving around the map.


7. GUI & HUD

In this section, we will add a health indicator and display score in the screen.

Add Score

Add SCORE: label:

  • Right-click the UI node in Hierarchy, select Create -> GUI -> UIText, it will create new object with UIText component

  • Select the new object, rename it as txtScore.

  • In the Inspector, change Text to SCORE:.

  • Go to AssetBrowser, open fonts/road_font, then drag the road_font.pybm to the Font section in Inspector.

  • Change the Size to 24.

  • Adjust the Anchor and Position like below:

Score Textfield

Add score value textfield:

  • Select txtScore, right-click and select Create -> GUI -> UIText to create new textfield for score value.

  • Rename the new object as txtScoreValue

  • Adjust the Inspector elements like image below:

Score Value Textfield

Now the screen should show SCORE: 0 at the middle-top of the screen. We will show the real score in the next tutorial.

Add Health Bar

We can add HealthUI object to group the UI elements related to player health:

  • Right-click the Canvas object, select Create -> New Object

  • Name the new object as HealthUI.

  • Adjust the RectTransform so that it will span the whole screen.


We add heart icon to indicate the player health:

  • Right-click the HealthUI object, select Create -> GUI -> UIImage

  • Name the new object as Heart

  • Drag sprites/heart.png from AssetBrowser to the Inspector

  • Adjust the RectTransform to pin the icon to the top-left of the screen


We also add a Health Bar, by using UISlider component:

  • Right-click the HealthUI object, select Create -> GUI -> UISlider

  • Name the new object as HealthSlider

  • The health slider is changed automatically, so we need to remove the handle, by delete handleArea child object.

  • Change the background color to light-red color, by selecting background, then adjust color accordingly.

  • Change the fill color to light-green, by selecting fillArea -> fill object, then adjust the color to light-green

  • Select the HealthSlider, then adjust the RectTransform like below:

Health Slider

To provide graphical feedback when player is being attacked, we add a splash effect, by using UIImage component.

  • Right-click the HealthUI object, select Create -> GUI -> UIImage

  • Name the new object as imgDamaged

  • Drag sprites/white.png from AssetBrowser to the Inspector

  • Adjust color alpha to 0

  • Adjust the RectTransform to span the image full screen

Damaged Image

This should be enough to display player health and score to the screen.

Added GUI

Checkout ige-tutorials, branch 05-gui-hud github repo.

8. MC Health

In this section, we will make the enemy attack, and adjust the player health on the UI accordingly.

Player Health

  • In AssetBrowser, open prefabs/MC.prefab by double-clicking it.

  • In AssetBrowser, create new script by navigating to scripts, then right-click, select New Script, enter PlayerHealth in the textfield.

The is as below:

import igeVmath as vmath
from igeScene import Script

class PlayerHealth(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.maxHp = 100.0
      self.hp = 100.0
      self.healthSlider = None
      self.damageImage = None
      self.flashSpeed = 5.0
      self.deadSfx = None
      self.hurtSfx = None
      self._animator = None
      self._audio = None
      self._damaged = False

   def onStart(self):
      self._animator = self.owner.getComponent("Animator")
      self._audio = self.owner.getComponent("AudioSource")
      self.hp = self.maxHp

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      if self._damaged:
            self.damageImage.color = vmath.vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3)
            self.damageImage.color = vmath.lerp(self.flashSpeed * dt, self.damageImage.color, vmath.vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
      self._damaged = False

   def takeDamage(self, amount):
      self._damaged = True
      self.hp -= amount
      self._animator.setValue("hp", self.hp)
      self.healthSlider.value = self.hp
      if self.hp <= 0:
            self._audio.path = self.deadSfx
            self.owner.getComponent("PlayerMovement").enable = False
            self.owner.getComponent("PlayerShoot").enable = False
            self.owner.getComponent("PlayerHealth").enable = False
            self._audio.path = self.hurtSfx

   def onDestroy(self):
      self.healthSlider = None
      self.damageImage = None
      self.deadSfx = None
      self.hurtSfx = None
      self._animator = None
      self._audio = None
  • Select MC object, create new Script component, drag scripts/ to the path.

  • Drag HealthSlider to the Inspector, in healthSlider textfield, select UISlider

  • Drag imgDamaged to the Inspector, in damageImage textfield, select UIImage

  • Drag audio/player_hurt.wav and audio/player_death.wav audio to the inspector in hurtSfx and deadSfx textfields.

  • Save the prefab, select reload prefab when asked.

Enemy Attack

  • In AssetBrowser, open prefabs/Enemy.prefab by double-clicking it.

  • In AssetBrowser, create new script by navigating to scripts, then right-click, select New Script, enter EnemyAttack in the textfield.

  • Select Enemy object, create new Script component, drag scripts/ to the path.

  • Save the prefab, select reload prefab when asked.

The is as below:

from igeScene import Script

class EnemyAttack(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.timeBetweenAttack = 1.0
      self.attackDamage = 10
      self._animator = None
      self._player = None
      self._playerHealth = None
      self._enemyHealth = None
      self._playerInRange = False
      self._timer = 0.0

   def onStart(self):
      self._player = self.owner.scene.findObjectByName("MC")
      if self._player is not None:
            self._playerHealth = self._player.getComponent("PlayerHealth")
      self._enemyHealth = self.owner.getComponent("EnemyHealth")
      self._animator = self.owner.getComponent("Animator")

   def onTriggerStart(self, other):
      if other == self._player:
            self._playerInRange = True

   def onTriggerStop(self, other):
      if other == self._player:
            self._playerInRange = False

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      self._timer += dt
      if self._timer >= self.timeBetweenAttack and self._playerInRange and self._enemyHealth.hp > 0:

   def attack(self):
      self._timer = 0.0
      if self._playerHealth.hp > 0:

   def onDestroy(self):
      self._animator = None
      self._player = None
      self._playerHealth = None
      self._enemyHealth = None

Save the scene, press Play button, now if player is near to the enemy, he will be attacked and his health will be updated in HUD.

Added GUI

Checkout ige-tutorials, branch 06-player-health github repo.

9. MC Shooting

In this section, we will equip the MC with a gun and allow him to shoot enemy.

Add Gun to MC

  • In AssetBrowser, open prefabs/MC.prefab by double-clicking it.

  • Select MC object, right-click, select New Object, rename it to Gun.

  • Select Gun, add Figure component, drag figures/weapons/Gun.dae to Path.

  • Adjust Transform component as below:

Player Gun
  • Save the prefab.

Add Fire Particle

  • In AssetBrowser, open prefabs/MC.prefab by double-clicking it.

  • Select Gun, right-click, select New Object, rename it to fxShoot.

  • Select fxShoot, create Particle component, drag effects/shot_effect/shot_eff.efk to Effect.

  • Adjust Transform component as below:

Shoot Effect
  • Save the prefab.

Add Smoke Particle

  • In AssetBrowser, open prefabs/Enemy.prefab by double-clicking it.

  • Select Enemy, right-click, select New Object, rename it to fxSmoke.

  • Select fxShoot, create Particle component, drag effects/smoke_effect/smoke.efk to Effect.

  • Adjust Transform component as below:

Smoke Effect
  • Save the prefab.

Player Shooting

  • In AssetBrowser, open prefabs/MC.prefab by double-clicking it.

  • In AssetBrowser, create new script by navigating to scripts, then right-click, select New Script, enter PlayerShoot in the textfield.

The is as below:

import igeVmath as vmath
from igeCore.input.keyboard import Keyboard, KeyCode
from igeScene import Script

class PlayerShoot(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.attackDamage = 20.0
      self.attackRange = 100.0
      self.timeBetweenAttack = 0.15
      self.shootSfx = None
      self.shootFx = None
      self._transform = None
      self._audio = None
      self._physic = None
      self._playerHealth = None
      self._timer = 0.0

   def onStart(self):
      self._transform = self.owner.getComponent("Transform")
      self._audio = self.owner.getComponent("AudioSource")
      self._physic = self.owner.scene.root.getComponent("PhysicManager")
      self._playerHealth = self.owner.getComponent("PlayerHealth")

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      self._timer += dt
      if self._playerHealth.hp > 0 and Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_SPACE):

   def shoot(self):
      if self._timer < self.timeBetweenAttack:
      self._timer = 0.0
      self._audio.path = self.shootSfx

      hit = self._physic.rayTestClosest(self._transform.position, self._transform.forward * self.attackRange)
      if hit is not None:
            hitObject = hit["hitObject"]
            hitPosition = hit["hitPosition"]
            hitPosition.y += 0.3
            enemyHealth = hitObject.getComponent("EnemyHealth")
            if enemyHealth is not None and enemyHealth.hp > 0.0:
               smokeFx = hitObject.findChildByName("fxSmoke")
               if smokeFx is not None:
                  smokeFx.getComponent("Transform").position = hitPosition

   def onDestroy(self):
      self.shootSfx = None
      self.shootFx = None
      self._transform = None
      self._audio = None
      self._physic = None
      self._playerHealth = None
  • Select MC object, add Script component, drag scripts/ to Path.

  • Drag fxShoot to the Inspector, in the shootFx textfield

  • Drag audio/player_shoot.wav to the shootSfx in the inspector.

  • Save the prefab.

Update Score

We need to add ScoreManager script to the root object to manage game score:

  • In AssetBrowser, navigate to scripts, create new script called

The is as simple as below:

from igeScene import Script

class ScoreManager(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.scoreTxt = None
      self._score = 0

   def onStart(self):
      self._score = 0

   def score(self, value):
      self._score += value
      if self.scoreTxt is not None:
            self.scoreTxt.text = str(self._score)

   def onDestroy(self):
      self.scoreTxt = None
  • Select main object, attach to it.

  • Drag txtScoreValue from the UI to scoreTxt in the Inspector.

  • Save the scene.

To add score, update as below:

from igeScene import Script
import igeVmath as vmath

class EnemyHealth(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.maxHp = 20.0
      self.hp = 20.0
      self.scoreValue = 10
      self.sinkSpeed = 0.5
      self.hurtSfx = None
      self.deadSfx = None
      self._transform = None
      self._animator = None
      self._navAgent = None
      self._audio = None
      self._rigidbody = None
      self._scoreManager = None
      self._isDead = False
      self._timer = 0

   def onStart(self):
      self.hp = self.maxHp
      self._isDead = False
      self._transform = self.owner.getComponent("Transform")
      self._animator = self.owner.getComponent("Animator")
      self._navAgent = self.owner.getComponent("NavAgent")
      self._audio = self.owner.getComponent("AudioSource")
      self._rigidbody = self.owner.getComponent("Rigidbody")
      self._scoreManager = self.owner.scene.root.getComponent("ScoreManager")

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      if self._isDead:
            self._timer += dt
            if self._timer >= 1.0:
               self._transform.position += vmath.vec3(0, -1, 0) * self.sinkSpeed * dt
               if (self._transform.position.y < -5.0):

   def takeDamage(self, amount):
      self.hp -= amount
      self._animator.setValue("hp", self.hp)
      if self.hp <= 0.0:
            self._audio.path = self.hurtSfx

   def dead(self):
      if not self._isDead:
            self._isDead = True
            self._timer = 0.0
            self._navAgent.enable = False
            self._rigidbody.isKinematic = True
            self._audio.path = self.deadSfx

   def onDestroy(self):
      self.hurtSfx = None
      self.deadSfx = None
      self._transform = None
      self._animator = None
      self._navAgent = None
      self._audio = None
      self._rigidbody = None
      self._scoreManager = None
      self._timer = None

Press Play button, the MC now can shoot enemy by pressing SPACE. Once enemy dead, the score will be added and updated in the UI.

Added Player Shooting

Checkout ige-tutorials, branch 07-player-shooting github repo.

10. Game Over

In this section, we will spawn enemy around the map, and calculate condition to make the game over, as well as provide ability to replay the game.

Game Over UI

The Game Over UI is as simple as below:

Game Over UI

We display a layer with transparent red color, on top of that is Game Over text, and a Replay button to allow player to replay. In the AssetBrowser, add new script called in scripts/gui folder, then attach the script to the Replay button.

Spawning Enemy

We add some spawning point in the map, for examples at the Restaurant and in the Hut object. We mark the point by adding dummy objects named SpawnPoint_xx.

Next, we create EnemyManager script, and attach it to the root node of the scene.

The is as below:

from igeScene import Script
import random

class EnemyManager(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.player = None
      self.enemyPrefab = None
      self.spawnTime = 3.0
      self.spawnPoint = None
      self.spawnPoint2 = None
      self.spawnPoint3 = None
      self._playerHealth = None
      self._spawnTimer = 0.0
      self._spawnPoints = None
      self._enemyId = 0

   def onStart(self):
      self._enemyId = 0
      if self.player is None:
            self.player = self.owner.scene.findObjectByName("MC")
            if self.player is None:
      self._playerHealth = self.player.getComponent("PlayerHealth")
      self._spawnPoints = []
      if self.spawnPoint is not None:
      if self.spawnPoint2 is not None:
      if self.spawnPoint3 is not None:

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      self._spawnTimer += dt
      if self._spawnTimer >= self.spawnTime:

   def spawn(self):
      if self._playerHealth.hp <= 0:
      spawnIndex = random.randrange(0, len(self._spawnPoints))
      self.owner.scene.loadPrefab(self.enemyPrefab, f"Enemy_{self._enemyId}", self.owner.scene.root, self._spawnPoints[spawnIndex].position)
      self._enemyId += 1
      self._spawnTimer = 0.0

   def onDestroy(self):
      self.player = None
      self.enemyPrefab = None
      self.spawnPoint = None
      self.spawnPoint2 = None
      self.spawnPoint3 = None
      self._playerHealth = None
      self._spawnPoints = None

After attaching the script:

  • Drag MC to player textbox

  • Drag prefabs/Enemy.prefab from AssetBrowser to enemyPrefab textbox

  • Drag SpawnPoint_xx to the spawnPointxx textbox

  • Save the scene.

Game Over Script

Create new script named and attach to the root object.

The content of is as below:

from igeScene import Script, SceneManager

class GameManager(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self._gameOverUI = None

   def onStart(self):
      self._gameOverUI = self.owner.scene.findObjectByName("GameOverUI") = False

   def play(self):

   def gameOver(self): = True

   def onDestroy(self):
      self._gameOverUI = None

When MC’s health fall below zero, the Game Over screen should appear. Edit as below:

from igeScene import Script, SceneManager
import igeVmath as vmath
from igeScene import Script

class PlayerHealth(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.maxHp = 100.0
      self.hp = 100.0
      self.healthSlider = None
      self.damageImage = None
      self.flashSpeed = 5.0
      self.deadSfx = None
      self.hurtSfx = None
      self._animator = None
      self._audio = None
      self._damaged = False

   def onStart(self):
      self._animator = self.owner.getComponent("Animator")
      self._audio = self.owner.getComponent("AudioSource")
      self.hp = self.maxHp

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      if self._damaged:
            self.damageImage.color = vmath.vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3)
            self.damageImage.color = vmath.lerp(self.flashSpeed * dt, self.damageImage.color, vmath.vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
      self._damaged = False

   def takeDamage(self, amount):
      self._damaged = True
      self.hp -= amount
      self._animator.setValue("hp", self.hp)
      self.healthSlider.value = self.hp
      if self.hp <= 0:
            self._audio.path = self.deadSfx
            self.owner.getComponent("PlayerMovement").enable = False
            self.owner.getComponent("PlayerShoot").enable = False
            self.owner.getComponent("PlayerHealth").enable = False
            self._audio.path = self.hurtSfx

   def onDestroy(self):
      self.healthSlider = None
      self.damageImage = None
      self.deadSfx = None
      self.hurtSfx = None
      self._animator = None
      self._audio = None

Replay The Game

For this tutorial, replay the game is as simple as reload the scene from the beginning.

Edit as below:

from igeScene import Script

class ReplayBtn(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):

   def onUpdate(self, dt):

   def onClick(self):

Play the game now, when being attacked by enemy, if the HC’s health fall below zero, the Game Over screen will be shown, and user will be able to replay the game by press Replay button.

Game Over

Checkout ige-tutorials, branch 08-game-over github repo.

11. Mobile Control

On mobile device, access to Keyboard is very limited. We should add UI elements to move the player, and allow shooting with touch screen.

Shoot Button

  • Select Canvas object, add new UIButton, name it as btnShoot.

  • In the Inspector, change the Transition Mode to Sprite Swap.

  • Set the Normal state to sprites/joystick/joystick_p.png

  • Set press Pressed state to sprites/joystick/joystick.png

  • Create new Script in scripts/gui, named, then attach to the btnShoot object.

  • Adjust the RectTransform as below:

Shoot Button

The content of is as below:

from igeScene import Script

class ShootBtn(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.player = None
      self._playerShoot = None

   def onStart(self):
      if self.player is None:
         if self.player = self.owner.scene.findObjectByName("MC")
      if self.player is not None:
            self._playerShoot = self.player.getComponent("PlayerShoot")

   def onClick(self):
      if self._playerShoot is not None:

   def onDestroy(self):
      self.player = None
      self._playerShoot = None

Movement JoyStick

There is no JoyStick component, but we can make it using UIImage.

  • Select Canvas, add new UIImage, name it as jsMove.

  • In the Inspector, drag sprites/joystick/joystick.png to Path.

  • Adjust the size to 96 x 96 pixels.

  • Adjust the RectTransform as below:

Move JoyStick
  • Select jsMove, add new UIImage, name it as jsMoveCtrl.

  • In the Inspector, drag sprites/joystick/joystick_p.png to Path.

  • Adjust the size to 48 x 48 pixels.

  • Create new Script in scripts/gui, named

from igeScene import Script
import igeVmath as vmath
from igeCore.input.touch import Touch

class JoyStick(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.moveCtrl = None
      self._value = vmath.vec2(0, 0)
      self._maxSize = 0
      self._pressed = False
      self._pressedPosition = vmath.vec3(0, 1, 0)
      self._fingerId = -1
      self._transform = None
      self._scene = None

   def onStart(self):
      self._transform = self.owner.getComponent("RectTransform")
      self._maxSize = max(self._transform.size.x, self._transform.size.y) * 0.5
      self._scene = self.owner.scene
      self._value = vmath.vec2(0, 0)
      if self.moveCtrl is not None:
            self._moveTransform = self.moveCtrl.getComponent("RectTransform")

   def clamp(self, n, smallest, largest):
      return max(smallest, min(n, largest))

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      for i in range(0, Touch.count()):
            pos = Touch.getPosition(i)
            if Touch.isPressed(i):
               hit = self._scene.raycastUI(pos)
               if hit["hitObject"].name == or hit["hitObject"].name ==
                  self._pressed = True
                  self._pressedPosition = hit["hitPosition"]
                  self._pressedPosition.z = 0
                  self._value = vmath.vec2(0, 0)
                  self._fingerId = Touch.getId(i)
            elif Touch.isMoved(i):
               if self._pressed and self._fingerId == Touch.getId(i):
                  hit = self._scene.raycastUI(pos)
                  newPos = hit["hitPosition"]
                  newPos.z = 0
                  diff = hit["hitPosition"] - self._pressedPosition
                  self._pressedPosition = hit["hitPosition"]
                  if self._moveTransform is not None and self._maxSize > 0:
                        position = self._moveTransform.localPosition + diff
                        position.x = self.clamp(position.x, -self._maxSize, self._maxSize)
                        position.y = self.clamp(position.y, -self._maxSize, self._maxSize)
                        self._moveTransform.localPosition = position
                        self._value = vmath.vec2(position.x / self._maxSize, position.y / self._maxSize)
            elif Touch.isReleased(i):
               if self._pressed and self._fingerId == Touch.getId(i):
                  self._pressed = False
                  self._fingerId = -1
                  if self._moveTransform is not None:
                        self._moveTransform.localPosition = vmath.vec3(0, 0, self._moveTransform.localPosition.z)
                        self._value = vmath.vec2(0,0)

   def getValue(self):
      return self._value

   def onDestroy(self):
      self.moveCtrl = None
      self._transform = None
      self._scene = None
  • Attach the to jsMove object, assign jsMoveCtrl to moveCtrl textbox.

  • Adjust as below:

import igeVmath as vmath
from igeCore.input.keyboard import Keyboard, KeyCode
from igeScene import Script

class PlayerMovement(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.speed = 2.0
      self.jsMove = None
      self._movement = vmath.vec3(0, 0, 0)
      self._transform = None
      self._rigidbody = None
      self._animator = None
      self._playerHealth = None
      self._jsMoveScript = None

   def onStart(self):
      self._transform = self.owner.getComponent("Transform")
      self._rigidbody = self.owner.getComponent("Rigidbody")
      self._animator = self.owner.getComponent("Animator")
      self._playerHealth = self.owner.getComponent("PlayerHealth")
      if self.jsMove is not None:
            self._jsMoveScript = self.jsMove.getComponent("Script")

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      if self._playerHealth.hp <= 0:
      h, v = [0, 0]
      if Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_W) or Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_UP):
            v = -1.0
      if Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_S) or Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_DOWN):
            v = 1.0
      if Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_A) or Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_LEFT):
            h = -1.0
      if Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_D) or Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_RIGHT):
            h = 1.0

      if h == 0 and v == 0 and self._jsMoveScript is not None:
            mv = self._jsMoveScript.getValue()
            h = mv.x
            v = -mv.y

      if h != 0 or v != 0:
            self._movement = vmath.vec3(h, 0, v)
            self._movement = self._movement * self.speed * dt
            newRotation = vmath.quat_look_rotation(self._movement, vmath.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
            self._rigidbody.movePosition(self._transform.position + self._movement)
            self._animator.setValue("isWalking", True)
      elif self._animator.getValue("isWalking"):
            self._animator.setValue("isWalking", False)

   def onDestroy(self):
      self.jsMove = None
      self._transform = None
      self._rigidbody = None
      self._animator = None
      self._playerHealth = None
      self._jsMoveScript = None
  • Assign jsMove to jsMove textbox in Script Inspector.

Now, when play the game, the MC character will be able to controlled using the Move JoyStick, and he can shoot using Shoot button in the screen.

Mobile Control

Checkout ige-tutorials, branch 09-mobile-control github repo.