Your First Scene

Create Project

Go to the menu bar: File -> New Project to create new project. This action also create new empty scene for the newly created project.

Create Project

This scene is composed of two object: a directional light, and a camera.

Having a camera in a scene is essential for the game to show something onto the screen.

You can go to the menu bar: File -> Save Scene to save the scene. Then you can click the Play button in the Toolbar to preview the scene.

A project can contain multiple scenes. To create a new scene, go to File -> New Scene. To load a scene, go to File -> Load Scene or just drag a file with .scene extension in the Scene View.

Create Cube

To change a scene at runtime, we need to use Python API which will be introduced later.

Project Structure




[Folder] Contains project’s configuration.


[Folder] Contains models and animations.


[Folder] Contains fonts used in the project.


[Folder] Contains scene files.


[Folder] Contains game logic source codes.


[Folder] Contains audio files.


[Folder] Contains UI and 2D images.


[File] The project file

Create Object

In order to add an object to the scene, select and right-click an item in Hierarchy, select Create -> Primitive -> Cube.

Create Cube

You should now see a cube in your scene.

Scene With New Cube


To control behavior of an object, we use Script Component.

In the Inspector, add new Script Component.

Create Script Component

In the Asset Browser, go to scripts, right-click then select New Script, then name it

Create Script Component

Open the newly created file, edit it with content below:

import math
import igeVmath as vmath
from igeScene import Script

class Move(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):
      self.elapsed = 0.0

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      self.elapsed = self.elapsed + dt
      self.owner.transform.position = vmath.vec3(0, math.sin(self.elapsed), 0)

Then drag the file in Script component Inspector.

Create Script Component

Save the scene, by pressing Ctrl + S or File -> Save Scene. Then you can press the Play button to test it, the cube should keep moving up and down follow sin pattern continuosly.