
Input allows the user to interact with the game using input devices.

IGE supports many types of inputs, including:

  • Touch Screen

  • Mouse

  • Keyboard

  • (WIP) Motion Sensors: Accelerometor, Gyroscope

  • (WIP) Joystick

  • (WIP) Controller

Using Touch Screen

The Input module is a Python module which provides functions to work with input devices.

To simplify the implementation, the Touch Screen and Mouse inputs are implemented in igeCore.input.touch module. We support multiple touch by default.

Mouse events are map to touch, with special finger Id for left, right and middle buttons.

Below is an example of how to use Touch to control UI behavior:

from igeScene import Script
from igeCore.input.touch import Touch

class TouchTest(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      for i in range(0, Touch.count()):
         x,y = Touch.getPosition(i)
         if Touch.isPressed(i):
            print(f"Pressed {Touch.getId(i)} at ({x}, {y})")

Using Keyboard

To get access to Keyboard, use the igeCore.input.keyboard API.

Below is an example of how to use keyboard:

from igeScene import Script
from igeCore.input.keyboard import KeyCode, Keyboard

class KeyboardTest(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      if Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_SPACE):
         print("SPACE pressed - FIRE")

Using Virtual Keyboard

Use the API below to show/hide virtual keyboard.

from igeScene import Script
import igeCore
from igeCore.input.keyboard import KeyCode, Keyboard

class VirtualKeyboardTest(Script):
   def __init__(self, owner):

   def onUpdate(self, dt):
      if not igeCore.isVirtualKeyboardShown(): # check if VK is show
         igeCore.showVirtualKeyboard("Input default text here...") # request show VK

      if Keyboard.isPressed(KeyCode.KEY_RETURN):
         text = igeCore.getInputText() # get the text
         igeCore.hideVirtualKeyboard() # hide the keyboard