Module igeSdk

Publishing Sdk for ige engine.


def init(...)

Initialize the Sdk.


def release(...)

Release the Sdk instance.



class Advertisement

Static methods

def hideBanner(...)

Request to hide ad banner.

Advertisement.hideBanner(callback: Callable[[errCode: int, message: str], None])


callback: [Optional] callback function.

def isInterstitialAvailable(...)

Check if interstitial ad is available.



result: bool

def isRewardedVideoAvailable(...)

Check if rewarded video is available.



result: bool

def showBanner(...)

Request to show ad banner.

Advertisement.showBanner(position: int, callback: Callable[[errCode: int, message: str], None])


position: one of values below: igeSdk.AdPosition_TopLeft, igeSdk.AdPosition_TopCenter, igeSdk.AdPosition_TopRight, igeSdk.AdPosition_CenterLeft, igeSdk.AdPosition_Centered, igeSdk.AdPosition_CenterRight, igeSdk.AdPosition_BottomLeft, igeSdk.AdPosition_BottomCenter, igeSdk.AdPosition_BottomRight callback: [Optional] callback function.

def showInterstitial(...)

Request to show interstitial ad.

Advertisement.showInterstitial(placement: str, callback: Callable[[errCode: int, message: str], None])


placement: [Optional] name of the placement. callback: [Optional] callback function.

def showRewardedVideo(...)

Request to show rewarded video.

Advertisement.showRewardedVideo(placement: str, callback: Callable[[errCode: int, message: str, reward: str, ammount: float], None])


placement: [Optional] name of the placement. callback: [Optional] callback function.

class Analytics

Static methods

def customEvent(...)

Send a custom tracking event.

Analytics.customEvent(eventName: str, eventValue: float)


eventName: Event name to record. eventValue (Optional): Event value.

def levelFailed(...)

Send tracking event when a level has failed.

Analytics.levelFailed(levelName: str, score: int)


levelName: Level to record. score: Final score.

def levelPassed(...)

Send tracking event when a level has passed.

Analytics.levelPassed(levelName: str, score: int)


levelName: Level to record. score: Final score.

def levelStarted(...)

Send tracking event when a level has started.

Analytics.levelStarted(levelName: str)


levelName: Level to record.

class CrossPromo

Static methods

def hideSquare(...)

Hide the square cross promotion ads.

CrossPromo.hideSquare(levelName: str, score: int)

def isInGdprCountry(...)

Check if user is in GDPR country, useful to display 'Show GDPR' button in 'About' section.


def showGdpr(...)

Show GDPR dialog manually, by implementing 'Show GDPR' button in the UI.


def showInterstitial(...)

Show interstitial cross promotion ad. Only show if user is not in GDPR region, or has accepted the term of usage.


def showSquare(...)

Show square cross promotion ad. Only show if user is not in GDPR region, or has accepted the term of usage.

CrossPromo.showSquare(x: float, y: float, w: int, h: int)


x: float value. If 0.0 < x < 1.0, use normalize coordination based on device width percentage. y: float value. If 0.0 < y < 1.0, use normalize coordination based on device heigh percentage. w: width of the banner. h: heigh of the banner.

class IAPProduct

Instance variables

var description

Product's description

var id

Product's id

var locale

Product's locale

var originalPrice

Product's original price (before discount if any)

var price

Product's price

var title

Product's title

class InAppPurchase

Static methods

def listProducts(...)

Query all the IAP products available on the store.

InAppPurchase.listProducts(callback: Callable[[status: int, products: List[IAPProduct]], None])


callback: Callback function, to retrieve the data from store.

def purchase(...)

Purchase a product. The callback return a list of IAPProduct, which is also useable for setting a product which is 'bundle'.

InAppPurchase.purchase(productId: str, callback: Callable[[status: int, products: List[IAPProduct]], None])


productId: product Id to purchase. callback: Callback function, to retrieve the data from store.

def restore(...)

Restore the previous purchases, needed only on iOS because restore purchase on iOS need user inputs which is quite annoying. The callback return a list of IAPProduct which are purchased.

InAppPurchase.restore(callback: Callable[[status: int, products: List[IAPProduct]], None])


callback: Callback function, to retrieve the data from store.